
11:49 a.m.

12/10/15 - There could be no proper place to house the exhibition "Migrations in Contemporary Art" that the Museum of Inmigration, located in what once used to be the Hotel de Inmigrantes, a place that has witnessed so many generations of people reaching our country for peace and work.
The exhibition focuses on borders, those that mark geographic limits between countries and also those of Art. The question is: Is Art able to show today's current affairs? The works on display were made by artists from very different origins and they themselves had to undergo migration and identity issues. As curator Diana Wechsler explains, the aim is to bring forth today's global concerns through Contemporary Art and open new paths of thought. 
Uniformes, by Claudia Casarino (2008)
Installation - Black tulle uniforms
The uniforms in Claudia Casarino's installation show the invisibility of those that hide their identity in them. Are those uniforms of a concentration camp? Or are they inmates of a jail?
Momentum-demora, by Silvia Rivas (2015)
Installation with video
Silvia Rivas' work shows an instant, the present suspended right after what's going to happen: but this instant can be stretched unlimitedly in the wait for what's to happen, that new beginning that can change the life of a person.
Beirut, by Gabriele Basilico (1991)
Silver gelatin print / Measures: 100 x 120 cm 
In 1991, Gabriele Basilico, together with other artists, was invited to photograph the city of Beirut after a 15-year war. She took photos of the devastated city and the plants that have grown between the ruins, as if trying to find the very origins of the town.
Horizon of Exile, de Isabel Rocamora (2007)
Movie / Duration: 21 min
"Horizon of exile" shows how female identity tries to prevail through exile and new cultures.  The performance is based on the testimony of two women, a Kurdish and an Iraqi, currently living in London.
The artworks face us with the cruel reality suffered by those who are pushed to migrate. Certainly, that seems to be what Contemporary Art is all about:  bring to our minds issues that surround us and that we not always pay attention to.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

