
A daughter writes about her mother's artwork...

3:31 p.m.

Cynthia Cohen, from the exhibition "Un jardín sobre una playa, una playa sobre la ciudad, una ciudad sobre un cerro".
Galería del paseo, Manantiales, Uruguay
Team work in Manantiales, Uruguay: the mother paints and the daughter writes. Cynthia Cohen (Buenos Aires, 1969) and Natalia Malamute we’re summoned by Galería del Paseo for the exhibition "Un jardín sobre una playa, una playa sobre la ciudad, una ciudad sobre un cerro, ". an invitation to enjoy Pop art and a bit of Kitsch, Cohen’s successful formula.
Collage V, by Cynthia Cohen (2018)
Technique: oil on canvas /Measures: 170 x 220 cm
Galería del Paseo, Manantiales, Uruguay
In a paragraph Natalia describes her mother’s artworks and atelier as “a chaos within an order”. And that’s just what this exhibition is: a group of paintings in which we see a little of everything Cohen does.
There’s the diamonds, the animal skins, the stones, the flowers, even a horse, all of them in peaceful conversation. And although the ring, the flowers and the horse are a bit isolated, the other pieces have something of each one in their eccentric collages. 
Collage IV, by Cynthia Cohen (2018)
Technique: oil on canvas / Measures: 50 x 35 cm
Cynthia Cohen
Technique: oil on canvas
Galería del Paseo, Manantiales, Uruguay
“This chaos works as a kind of transition to a yet uncertain place”, explains Malamute and we are left wondering and waiting for what Cohen will produce next.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

