

6:11 p.m.

05/10/16 - Two Contemporary artists are on display together at the Museo de la Universidad de Tres de Febrero. One of them is Leandro Erlich (Argentina, 1973). The other, Bernardí Roig (Palma de Mallorca, 1965). Erlich presents "Puerto de Memorias", an installation that converses easily with the venue, because of its closeness to the river and because the building used to house the Immigrants Hotel. Erich's own grandparents stayed at the hotel and the boats in the installation speak of the past and present dramas of the immigrants. The perfect reflection of them is nothing more than an illusion, because it's an extension of the structure, Erich's usual visual tricks.

Puerto de Memorias, by Leandro Erlich - 2016
Roig's intricate drawings, in which there's an explicit erotism, occupy the other room on the third floor of the museum. His ghostly sculptures were placed strategically, giving the artworks more intensity. Those 3D pieces represent strange, isolated and devastated souls, with their eyes closed and deathly whiteness. They are size 1:1 copies of real people that seem to question us. Observation is ambivalent between reject and admiration: I want to see you and I don't.

Copies. Bernardí Roig
Last Dream, by Bernardí Roig - 2008
Two artists that play with deceive, brought together in a space that increases the illusion.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

