
Introducing Jiří Kovanda...

4:00 a.m.

Hanging Sleeves, Hiding Hands, by Jiří Kovanda,  made in collaboration with Eva Koeátková (Kotatkova) - 2013
Performance and object.
Jiří Kovanda (1953) lives and works in Prague (Czech Republic) and is self-taught. The work above belongs to an installation done in collaboration with Eva Koeatkova (Kotatkova): two coats hang from a panel with hands that move slowly. This movement is done by the artist who hide behind the panel and pull their hands through the sleeves.
Although both perform the same movement, it means different things for each of them. For Kovanda it represents extinction and lack of contact. For Koeatkova it demonstrates the secret life of things and the silence of intangible bodies. 
What does Kovanda pretends with his artworks? To find the beauty in everyday things and define the space in which each individual exists.
Hanging Sleeves, Hiding Hands, by Jiří Kovanda, made in collaboration with Eva Koeátková (Kotatkova) - 2013
Performance and objects
Jewish Museum in New York

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