La Certeza del Error... (Parte II)

3:40 p.m.

Artists who use audiovisual and/or other electronic gadgets usually bump into certain errors. In some cases they were able to make use of them. The result is an image or sound impossible to achieve in any other way, unique and beautiful.
Let's continue our tour around Galería Arte x Arte...
Leona & Francesca, by David Szauder (2012)
Photographic paper / Measures: 24 x 30 cm 
Arte x Arte
The series Failed Memories (2012-2015) by David Szauder (Hungary, 1976), in which the "errors" shown in the images were made on purpose, have a double message: memory and oblivion. In "Leona & Francesca", an image from the past is brought into the present thanks to a digital flaw. We see two sisters who used to share everything but, today, one of them does not want to share those memories. 
The story of Mr. Wolf, by David Szauder (2012)
Digitally retouched photograh
Arte x Arte
"The story of Mr Wolf" is different, it does not refer to the memories and the oblivion of feelings or resentments. Here we see a man that has worked so much and has written so many numbers, that his memory has been permanently modified. 
Dora’s Flame, by David Szauder (2013)
Digitally retouched photograph
Arte x Arte
According to the explanatory card of the previous photo, Dora was the typical girl-next-door. Nor too pretty, nor too unflattering. However, she was sure of her unpleasantness. When her room caught fire, she came to a mirror and, in the middle of the flames, she saw herself beautiful as never before. She could not escape, caught by her vision. That was her last memory. 
Lauret Segretier's video is like a portrait that constructs and deconstructs itself through the pixels. We see  the face of an Eastern woman who moves gradually and sensually to the nostalgic music.
Although all the works on display in this exhibition (La Certeza del Error) have thorough explanations to guide visitors, Segretier's video leaves a door open for our understanding. The title Noli me tangere is Latin and it means: Touch me not. It appears in St. John's Gospel (20: 14-18) and it's said by Jesus to Mary Magdalene when she sees him for the first time after his Resurrection. This very important encounter in Christianity was depicted many times by artists from the past, such as  Tiziano's Noli me tangere.
Noli me tangere, by Laurent Segretier
Black & White Video
Sound Designer: TNEM
Arte x Arte
We only presented you today a few works of the many that take part in La Certeza del Error, a very original exhibition, in which explanations (in the rooms, in the signs or in the catalogue) help visitors find the errors, voluntary or not, that the artists want us to see.

Keep reading... Exhibition catalogue "La Certeza del error", curated by Jorge Zuzulich, Ediciones Arte x Arte. September 2014 - CABA.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
