La Certeza del Error I... (Part I)

12:26 p.m.

Art and Technology have established a close bond in Contemporary Art and, as technology evolves, new frontiers are opened for artistic expression. However, what happens when gadgets fail and the results are unpredictable? The exhibition "La certeza del error" focuses on the mistakes that broaden the aesthetic possibilities. 
Here, some examples of what can be seen at the Arte x Arte Gallery, where a great number of artists "play" with all types of mistakes. 
We will first mention a video done with other videos taken from YouTube: models stumble on the runway.  The song Glamour Girl by Chicks on Speed follows the rhythm of these falls.
Glamour Girl, by Mariana Pierantoni (2011)
The second artwork is an installation with a circular track on which two objects move independently but, at the same time, depending on the movements of the other. The vehicles were programmed to interfere, crash or follow each other. When they collide, both mobiles have the same options: move forward or backwards in 4 different speeds. The result is unpredictable.
Untitled (trains), by Lorena Salomé (2007)
Ellectronic installation / Measures: 80 x 80 x 140 cm
Video: click here
 (To be continued…

Keep reading... "Catálogo de la muestra La Certeza del error", by Jorge Zuzulich, Ediciones Arte x Arte. September 2014 - CABA 

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
