

10:36 a.m.

When an artists releases his/her creation to the Universe, he can never tell how far it would go or how much it will influence the people or other artists. The MNBA is exhibiting a work by Román Vitali (Rosario, 1969) which was inspired by the images painted by El Greco (Creta, 1541-Toledo, 1614).
Lágrima, by Román Vitali (1997)
Materials: Knitting with beads, lights, glass, acrylic and wood.
Measures: 300 x 130 x 25 cm
In the 16th century, art was influenced by the spirit of the Counter-Reform, that's why angels were usually depicted with their eyes moistened in tears, staring at the sky. It was an effective method to move the faithful.

With this in mind, Vitali creates an installation that refers to the face and sight, as reflection of the deep feelings of our inner world. The teardrop, as synonym of suffering, emerges from a complex knitting of tiny beads. Those beads seem to melt under the effect of the sequential lights and, at the same time, refer to the string of beads in a Rosary.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

