
Picasso & the Camera...

5:00 a.m.

During his life, Pablo Picasso (Spain, 1881-France, 1973) had the most diverse bonds with photography and photographers of his time. He used the camera to capture what happened in his studio and at home, to study his works and express his new ideas, to document his creations and photograph himself many, many times...
PABLO PICASSO © David Douglas Duncan, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Austin
Picasso collaborated with many photographers, such as Brassai, Dora Maar and André Villers. He made home-movies of his own family and friends and worked with cinematographers like Luciano Emmer and Henri-Georges Clouzot, who captured Picasso's creative process.
His life was documented by the majority of the most talented photographers of the 20th century, becoming a true world icon.
"Picasso & the Camera" - Installation view
When an exhibition is protected by a numerous security staff and the safety measures at the entrance are rather extreme, it probably means that what's inside is really valuable. This is what's happening at the Gagosian Gallery, in Chelsea, New York. There, authentic Picassos are displayed next to photos of the creative process or the artist's very own investigations.
"Picasso & the Camera" - Installation view
A different way to get to know the work and personality of one of the greatest artist of all time...
"Picasso & the Camera" - Installation view

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

