
In the land of the Dead, stepping on the tail of a Rainbow...

12:03 p.m.

"To me, religions are a narrative... Natural catastrophes, earthquakes, are things caused by nature. Such chaos is natural, but we have to make sense of it somehow, and so we had to invent these stories. That is what I wanted to paint".
Takashi Murakami
The Birth Cry of a Universe, by Takashi Murakami (2014) 
Technique: mixed media / Measures: 230 x 420 x 293 cm 
Gagosian Gallery
Murakami was born in Japan in 1962 and still lives there, so he knows much about natural catastrophes and how his people react to them through their believes. In fact, since the 2011 devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Tohoku, Murakami decided to study Japanese art made as response to such catastrophes. For example, after the 1855 earthquake in Edo, artist Kano Kazunobu (Japan, 1816-1863) portrayed the 500 arhats o rakan, which are the spiritual protectors of   Budha's teachings and guides in difficult times. While, in his numerous parchments, Kazunobu used Western and Eastern techniques, Murakami created a gigantic installation, to demonstrate the insignificance of the human beings in relation to the power of Nature.
Embodiment of Um, by Takashi Murakami (2014)
Materials: FRP, stainless steel, wood and acrylic / Measures: 432.8 x 254.8 x 253 cm
This installation is a combination of classic techniques with state-of-the-art technology. It includes a series of paintings on canvas, sculptures and even a reproduction of the sacred door of the temple, plus some ecclectic arhats. The mythical protective lions could not be absent either.
Yume-Lion, by Takashi Murakami (2009)
Materials: bronze, platinum leaf, marble, stainless steel / Measures: 191.1 x 127 x 111.1 cm
Blending the religious with the secular, his work is absolutely unique and perfectly represents the times we are living: chaos, confusion and death.
The MNBA only has two works belonging to the Japanese school of the 20th century.
Double Helix Within Dark Matterby Takashi Murakami
Technique: acrylic on canvas / Measures: 300 x 400 cm 
Gagosian Gallery
Double Helix Within Dark Matterby Takashi Murakami - Detail
Technique: acrylic on canvas / Measures: 300 x 400 cm 
Gagosian Gallery
The exhibition is open at the Gagosian Gallery on 24th street, New York, and it can be visited till January 17th. 

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

