Collectors and the Museum...

7:15 p.m.

Held at one of the most beautiful cities in the world, every two years, the Venice Biennale opens to the public: a gigantic exhibition that wants to capture the artistic moment of today. This year it will open on June 1st, but between May 29th and 31st, the Biennale will welcome special guests, press and collectors. The latter are the main characters of the art world. Their acquisitions keep the market alive and many museums have seen their collections increase thanks to their donations.  That is what happened to the MNBA, which, in the early 20th century, received a great number of pieces belonging to the Guerrico family.
Manuel José Guerrico, who is known as the first Argentine collector, begun his collection in 1848, in Europe, mostly with a philanthropic and educational aim. He wanted to bring to Buenos Aires examples of the art movements, for the Fine Art students.
José Prudencio, his son, enriched the collection and donated 22 works to the MNBA in 1895.  However, it was by mid 1930s that most of the collection was given to the museum: 627 pieces, among which there were paintings, sculptures, miniatures, porcelains, boxes, fans and silver.
Today we can enjoy it in all its splendour at rooms sixteen and seventeen
Keep reading... Los Dueños del Arte Coleccionismo y consumo cultural en Buenos Aires, by M. Baldasarre (2006), Buenos Aires, Edhasa.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
