When art blushes...

6:59 p.m.

By the end of the 19th century, José Prudencio de Guerrico, together with his wife, María Güiraldes,  visited the workshop of artist Eduardo Schiaffino in Paris. One of his paintings, entitled "Reposo", showed a naked woman, which made the lady feel rather uncomfortable.
Reposode Eduardo Schiaffino (1889)
Technique: oil on canvas / Measures: 109 x 200 cm
Her uneasiness must have been due to the fact of seeing the painting in the presence of two men: her husband and the artist. It would have been different had the painting been at a museum.
Anyway, the purchase was left undone, in spite of Schiaffino's intentions.
However, as part of Guerrico's collection, there's a big painting of Diana, by Lefebvre, with many idealised nudes, which used to occupy the hall in the family home.
Diana Surprise, by Jules Lefebvre (1879)
Technique: oil on canvas / Measures: 279 x 371,5 cm
Both paintings coexist now at the museum, meters apart. Certainly, times were different...

Keep reading... Los Dueños del Arte Coleccionismo y consumo cultural en Buenos Aires, by M. Baldasarre (2006), Buenos Aires, Edhasa.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

