Unconscious similarities...

8:03 p.m.

"Inspiration is not imitation. It's not simply recreating something you have seen... It is taking something you have experienced and allowing it to filter through your own unique sensibility, so that when it comes out, it comes out new."
Thomas Pheasant
Andy Warhol
Adolf Gottlieb
Pace Gallery - New York

“You cannot define electricity. The same can be said of Art. It is a kind of inner current in a human being, or something which needs no definition.”
Marcel Duchamp
Rogelio Polesello
Galería Del Infinito, ArteBa 2019
Dorothea Rockburne
Dia:Beacon, New York

Art for me is the science of freedom.
Joseph Beuys
 Sean Scully, Landing Star, National Gallery, London
 Black Children Keep Your Spirits Free, by Carolyn Lawrence (1972)
Exhibition "Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power 1963-1983"
The Broad Museum, Los Ángeles

"Go through the exhibition with open eyes. Try to see with your soul, like my father used to.”
Claude Picasso
The Virgin of the Rocks, by Leonardo Da Vinci (circa1491/2-9 y 1506-8)
La Virgen con el Niño y Santa Ana con San Juan Bautista, by Leonardo Da Vinci (circa 1499-1500)

The aim of the true critic should be to discover which was the problem laid out by the artist (knowingly or unknowingly) and find out whether he or she was able to solve it."
Paul Valery
 Mural para fábrica socialista, by Beatriz Gonzalez (1981)
Exhibition “Beatriz Gonzalez: A Retrospective” - PAMM, Miami.
Silence=Death, by Keith Haring (1988)
Exhibition “Post-War & Contemporary Art auction preview” - Christie’s New York

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

