Introducing Rei Hanada...

10:17 a.m.

Nothing is more acceptable today than the photographic recycling of reality, acceptable as an everyday activity and as a branch of high art.”
On Photography, by Susan Sontang

Wedding, by Rei Hanada
Technique: color photography with a drone
Rei Hanada
Technique: color photography with a drone
Rei Hanada
Technique: color photography with a drone

When the cherry trees, known as Sakura, flourish in Tokyo, the urban landscape becomes pink. Photographer Rei Hanada captures these fantasy landscapes with his drone, 100-mts above the city. This explosion of Nature, which repeats itself every spring, is a unique phenomenon which enhances the exuberance these trees provide to the city. 
The mythical Sakuras have been photographed from every possible angle but we have seldom seen them from above. Hanada embraces the spectacle these trees provide every year around the Meguro River,  the meadows and all over Tokyo.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
