An installation that wants us to participate...

4:49 p.m.

AVAF (Asume Vivid Astro Focus) created, for the Faena Art Center, the installation Angeles Veloces Arcanos Fugaces, an artwork which becomes an experimentation space when those who visit it, dare to participate.
Angeles Veloces Arcanos Fugaces, by AVAF (2014)
Technique: installation
Faena Art Center
Visitors are faced with a circular space, with a DJ in the middle, who makes all those participating, skate to the rhythm of the music and lights. The circular skate-floor has motifs similar to those of  Nicolás García Uriburu's works of the 60s.
 Angeles Veloces Arcanos Fugaces, by AVAF (2014)
Technique: installation
Faena Art Center
AVAF was conceived by Eli Sudbrack (Rio de Janeiro, 1968) in 2001 and in 2005, Chistophe Hamaide Pierson (Paris, 1973) joined in. Sometimes they act as a duo, others with different artists, depending on the projects. AVAF works with a wide range of mediums, such as painting, drawing, installations, videos and stickers. They frequently handle political issues and cultural codes through pop images and neon colours. They always require the active engagement of the public.
Angeles Veloces Arcanos Fugaces, by AVAF (2014)
Technique: installation
Faena Art Center
A proposal that mingles perfectly with the spirit of the museum housing the installation: a place to experiment with art.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
