St Matthew's Chapel in Rome...
1:50 p.m.04/19/23 - According to the book Lives of the Saints, Saint Matthew, who was one of the twelve apostles of Christ, predicted that: "the message of the Savior will remain, together with the Church, until the end of time."
Mateo or Matthew was frequently represented by Renaissance and Baroque artists for being a particular character who, apparently, being a tax collector in Herod's time, abandoned all his goods to follow Jesus. It is believed that this evangelist wrote some of the Sacred Scriptures and this is the moment that Caravaggio chooses to represent in the Chapel of Saint Louis in Rome. On the painting an angel guides the hand of the saint to write the Word of Jesus. The two main figures appear strongly illuminated against a dark background to avoid any distraction from the central theme of the work. Naturalism is evident, especially in the figure of the Saint, while the angel retains traits of idealism typical of these unreal characters.
Caravaggio is also the artist of the painting to the left of the chapel, in which we see a group of people dressed in 16th century clothes and Christ, dressed in the characteristic cloak, saying to Mateo: “Follow me.” And so he does.
Saint Matthew and the Angel. Saint Mattew writes the holy scriptures inspired by an angel, by Caravaggio (between 1599 1602)
La vocation de Matthieu. Dans une taverne où des hommes jouent aux dés, le Christ fait irruption et appelle Matthieu a le suivre, by Caravaggio (1599-1602)
Read more... Lives of the Saints From Mary and St. Francis of Assisi to John XXII and Mother Teresa, by Richard P. McBrien, Harper San Francisco, Canada.
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