Kistefos Museum... (Part I)
6:34 p.m.25/08/22 - If there is a Museum of Contemporary Art that deserves standing ovations, it is the Kistefos. Located in the middle of a forest, a two-hour ride on an exclusive bus from Oslo, it offers everything you could ask for and more: two galleries with temporary exhibitions and a garden full of monumental sculpture. A unique experience between art, architecture and nature.
In this post we delve into The Twist: a bridge, a gallery and an indescribable engineering work that was inaugurated in 2019. It is a structure over the Randselva River, which in its middle it twists, causing a corkscrew movement through which we crossed to the other shore.
The Twist is a room within the complex and currently exhibits Polish artist Paulina Olowska (1976), who presents painting, sculpture and an installation that crosses the culture of Eastern Europe with North America, called Her Hauntology.
Squelchy Garden Mules and Mamunas is a site-specific installation made up of a series of trees that contain a video inside, in which small creatures that look like forest nymphs move around, as if in a dance. Apparently the artist used the effect of nature that surrounds this room to create this work, as well as her residence, in the forests of Krakow, in Poland. The creatures nested in the trees of Olowska, which invaded the last part of the room, remind us of primitive beings connected to nature, something that city dwellers later forgot.
(To be continued...)
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