Hubert de Givenchy's Collection...
5:19 p.m.Of all the artworks, we will focus, in this post, on some of the sculptures and paintings that Givenchy treasured, such as the bronze figures by François-Xavier Lalanne and Janine Janet.
In front: Oiseau de Jardin, by François-Xavier Lalanne (2006-2008)
Material: laminated bronze / Measures: 58 x 61 x 98 cm
Behind: Dos Cerf Couché, by Janine Janet (1964)
Material: laminated bronze / Measures: 129 x 62 x 110 cm
Left: Lampe à Poser Singe Allumé, by François-Xavier Lalanne (2002-2003)
Material: golden bronze / Measures: 34 x 26 cm
Right: Tortué, by François-Xavier Lalanne (1973)
Material: golden bronze / Measures: 15 x 19 x 27 cm
Portrait de jeune fille, by Cornelis Jonson Van Ceulen (1593-1661)
Material: oil on wood / Measures: 68 x 50 cm
Untitled (Soleil), by Max Ernst (1961)
Material: oil on wood / Measures: 22 x 15.9 cm
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