The Seven Heavenly Palaces...

3:29 p.m.


07/11/22 - Anselm Kiefer's (Germany, 1945) permanent installation at Pirelli Hangar-Bicocca, called "The Seven Celestial Palaces", a title that refers to an ancient Hebrew text, encapsulates the main objective of the artist's work: his interest in religions, particularly Judaism. This work intends, through these tall structures, to portray the intention of man to reach the sky (an ascent towards the divine). Each of the constructions measures between 14 to 18 meters high and were made on a concrete base from modular structures placed one on top of the other.

It is really quite a visual spectacle, mounted in a vast space and with almost dim lighting, which only highlights each of the sculptures.


The Seven Heavenly Palaces, by Anselm Kiefer (2004-2015)

Pirelli Hangar-Bicocca, Milano

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
