Social Sacrifice...
5:50 p.m.06/24/22 - An aerial performance with drones was carried out for the first time in an enclosed space and we were lucky to be there. This exhibition was activated at the opening of the Venice Biennale but only lasted a few days. As a venue with high ceilings was required, the organizers decided on the Church of San Lorenzo, located outside the traditional circuit of the city.
Altar of the church of San Lorenzo, in Venice
This brand new performance is inspired by the collective intelligence of a living group of any species, particularly animals, where cooperation is evident. The example that was used to illustrate before the action was a group of fish which, faced with a predator that they cannot defeat or avoid, solves the problem in the only possible way: by sacrificing itself.
Social Sacrifice
Drones activated through A.I., Venice, March 2022
The experience is extraordinary. In the dark, numerous drones with blue lights fly over our heads (which are covered with helmets) in a joint dance to one side, to the other or in circles. At a certain moment other drones make their appearance but with red lights. We feel the tension: the reds go over the blues until finally the blue lights go out one by one and only the red ones are left sailing through the air. The blues have sacrificed themselves, as was their destiny.
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