Anish Kapoor – Galleria dell’Accademia di Venezia.

9:00 a.m.

06/10/22 - Another of the parallel shows to the Venice Biennale is the exhibition by the Indian-born artist, Anish Kapoor (1954), which is divided between the building of Venice Academy and the Palazzo Priuli Manfrin. It is a retrospective but also chance to showcase a series of works never presented before.
Let us remember that Kapoor is one of the artists most committed to challenging the limits and materialities of the visible world through large-scale installations that act as traps for the eye. This time he uses a pigment created through nano-technology that absorbs more than 99% of visible light with which he presents a series of objects that are impossible to photograph. Therefore, we present in this post some well-known works and others that are entirely new, such as this year's Pregnant White Within Me, which is kind of giant bulb that defies the architecture of the room and, depending on where you look at it, can seem two or three dimensional.

Pregnant White Within Me, by Anish Kapoor (2022)
Technique: mixed media, painting
Impossible not to mention also Shooting in the corner, a piece that moves us even if it is active or not: a cannon points towards the wall of the room and fires bullets of red wax again and again, leaving the surfaces impregnated with a fluid that looks like blood. The violence is perceived no matter how long the work remains inactive.

Anish Kapoor, Galleria dell'Accademia
The Academy of Venice houses a permanent collection of paintings between the 14th and 18th centuries by great masters such as Canaletto, Tiepolo and Tintoretto, so that the dialogue with contemporary works is a challenge from which it comes out completely successful.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
