Unconscious Similarities...
8:23 p.m.
“There is no must in art because art is free.”
Wassily Kandinsky
Untitled, by Mikkel Carl (2018) - From the series "Glamour is for those who can afford not to be glamorous"
Technique: gold mirror foil painting
Bjorn & Gundorph Gallery, Denmark.
The Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh (1889)
Technique: oil on canvas
MoMA, New York.
“Art can reawaken us to the many things that we really need, things that are at once of huge human importance and yet constantly in danger of being forgotten.”
Alain de Botton
Standing Woman, by Ron Mueck
Technique: sculpture / Measures: 4 mts high
Towada Art Center, Japan.
Distopía Tecnológica, by Gabriela Guzmán
Arte x Arte Espacio, Buenos Aires.
“We have art in order not to die from the truth."
Friedriech Nietzsche
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