
Introducing Stanislaw Drózdz...

11:04 p.m.

A participant of Venice Biennial in 2003, an example of Conceptual Art in Poland and also a realistic poet, Stanislaw Drózdz (1939-2009) is still the most renown artist of his home country.  
His work focuses on the 'visual image' of letters or short texts to analyze the language through their representation. Thus the pictorial figure and the meaning of the word are blended into a provocative balance.
Por example [białe-czarne/white-black], of 1970, plays with the word white (białe) and black (czarne), placing the terms according to their meaning. In general, words and letters are assimilated or understood individually. Drózdz makes use of their visual quality to transform them into images. This materialization of the words, as a process, allows us to understand them without knowing the language in which they are written. 
[białe-czarne/white-black], by Stanislaw Drózdz (1970) 

His most renown artwork is Untitled (in-between), displayed for the first time in 1977. It's the letters of the word między (in between) printed on the walls, floor and ceiling of a white cube, although we can never fully see the word (it can not be read). Anyway, as we enter the gallery, we are fully aware of its meaning: we are “in between” the letters.

Untitled (in-between), by Stanislaw Drózdz (1977)

The artist chose to isolate words to render them autonomous, so that we are impacted by their meaning and, at the same time, caught by their image. 

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

