Sculpture, text, installation and video...

12:48 p.m.

30/01/19 - Iván Argote (Bogotá, 1983) took over the entire ground floor of the MALBA to display "Ternura Radical", an installation made with concrete plaques facing projectors showing pieces of texts and sculptures. With these elements, the artist proposes a poetical and sociological discussion about how we relate with "the other". The movie appears and disappears in the gallery, interacting with the light in the room and the massive sculpture on the floor.
Lo que une, lo que separa, lo que compara, by Iván Argote (2018) - Detail
Three concrete sculptures, wood and metal / Measures: 600 x 100 x 60
Ternura Radical
Lo que une, lo que separa, lo que compara, by Iván Argote (2018) - Detail
Three concrete sculptures, wood and metal / Measures: 600 x 100 x 60
Ternura Radical
Algunas Dimensionesby Iván Argote (2018)
Projector / variable size.
Ternura Radical
According to the explanation "Ternura Radical" represents a critic to what is considered to be true and wants us to rethink the way in which we interact in a public place with the growing social polarization in which we live in. With these references, and after watching the film, visitors tends to interact with the installation and pretend to touch the objects presented by Argote. But of course touching is not allowed, forcing the security crew to voice out constant warnings. We must only see and not touch. What we can do is reflect on the way we relate to public spaces and then rethink our attitudes.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
