
Room intervention...

3:41 p.m.

11/08/18 - Marina de Caro is the first artist invited by the Muntref (Museo de la Universidad de Tres de Febrero) to present an intervention in one of the rooms of the Hotel de Inmigrantes (headquarters of the museum). As de Caro participates and promotes the conceptual movement known as "Chromatic Activism", she decided to "paint" the floor of the room with colors representing the ideology of the many immigrants that walked through the Hotel. The exhibition, according to the artist, in a way also refers to the anarchist tradition of the people of Spain and Italy that came to our country. 
As this is a historic building and it can not be modified, the original floor was covered so De Caro could work in her installation entitled "Negro que mueve el universo". The artist distributed hundreds of ceramic squares all over the surface, giving a very particular appeal to the room. The visitor in encouraged to enter and perceive the different hues, which she gave a certain name: turquoise is  "life practice", red is "lips of song" and green is "righteous roar". 

Negro que mueve el universo, by Marina de Caro
Muntref, Hotel de Inmigrantes

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

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