
Fernando Botero...

8:27 p.m.

11/06/18 - Easily recognized by his voluminous figures, Fernando Botero is the best paid alive Latin American artist. Born in Medellin in 1932, he is the most renowned artist in Colombia. This can be easily demonstrated by the museums housing his artworks and the many temporary exhibitions dedicated to studying his production in detail.
La Primera Dama, by Fernando Botero (1997)
Technique: oil on canvas
Botero represents the body with exaggerated proportions, swollen almost. His line is not spontaneous nor are his strokes autonomous. He aims to create an homogeneous color surface. He began working like this in the 60s and has remain true to it. He has also migrated this same style to his sculptures.

Caminando cerca del río, by Fernando Botero (1989)
Technique: oil on canvas
Although in his paintings he has preserved a combination of irony and respect for Colombian issues, and in spite of rejecting the trends in Contemporary Art, his recognizable language earned him worldwide recognition.
Mano izquierda, by Fernando Botero

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

