
A unique installation...

12:00 a.m.

11/06/18 - A cotton bag hangs from the ceiling full of Sumi ink and water. Under it a zinc pool, covered with white fabric, holds a heavy wooden ball constantly balancing. Little by little the bag drips over the ball, drawing a dark circle on the fabric.
All this composition is surrounded by 16 meters of vinyl covered in graphite which reaches the wall and goes up. The dripping pretends to symbolize the inevitable passing of time, while the spot on the fabric represents immobility.

Venice Stream, by Takesade Matsutani (2016-17)
Material: acrylic, graphite, vinyl, zinc, water, ink
This very complex installation was presented at the 2017 Venice Biennial as part of the exhibition Viva Arte Viva, curated by Christine Marcel and belongs to Japanese artist Takesade Matsutani (1937).

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

