
Sonorous art at the Palacio de Cristal...

4:55 p.m.

03/02/17 - When you have an artwork with sound, nothing is simple. How to explain with images what can not be photographed? It's quite a challenge. Although it did not feel that way for the Museo Reina Sofía, in Madrid. The artwork on display (?) was conceived for the space that houses it, the   Palacio de Cristal of the Parque del Retiro. It's a venue that's all about fragility, since it's completely covered by a glass roof.

Palacio de Cristal, Parque del Retiro, Madrid, 2017
The artist that defies, not only our senses, but they way we think and the representation we have of the western world is Lothar Baumgarten (Germany, 1944). "El barco se hunde, el cielo se resquebraja" (the ship sinks, the sky cracks) is a 2-hours sonorous artwork. The artist began working with "sonorous landscapes" a few years ago and he chose the fragility of this 19th century structure to create a "sculpture" with audio recordings. Captured between 2001 and 2005 on the shores of the Hudson river, in New York, the sounds reflect the process of thaw. They were later edited to make visitors believe that what's falling apart is the dome of the Palacio.
El barco se hunde, el cielo se resquebraja, by Lothar Baumgarten (2001)
Baumgarten goes beyond the experience and wants to create an analogy between the breaking of the ice and the collapse of the stock markets. He places the spotlight on the speculation caused by unlimited economic growth and its devastating effects on global warming. 
In the meantime, the roof of the Palacio seems to be about to burst as the sound increases and we feel the threat of imminent danger.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

