
Costantini's Collection at the Real Academia de San Fernando...

12:36 p.m.

02/27/17 - Curator Estrella de Diego came to Buenos Aires and visited Eduardo Costantini's house and, on the spot, chose 15 artworks to exhibit together with "Baile en Tehuantepec". The exhibition is being held in Madrid, with the title "Una mirada a la colección Costantini"(A look to Constantini's Collection).
Baile en Tehuantepec, by Diego Rivera (1886-1957)
Technique: oil on canvas - 1928
Since the founder of MALBA bought Diego Rivera's artwork, auctioned for 16 million dollars, Argentinians have been wishing to take a closer look at it. But the painting had previous engagements with Latin American exhibitions in the US, after which Estrella decided to take it to the Real Academia de San Fernando, together with the other chosen artworks from Constantini's collection. Rivera's painting was received with all the solemnity it deserves. To give space to it, one of Titian's work, displayed solo in a small room adjoining the main one, was removed. And a 17th century oil painting by José de Ribera was placed as company. This is why the curator said that a Ribera receives another Rivera, emphasizing the exchange between the two collections: that of the Real Academia's and Costantini's.
San Jerónimo penitente, by José de Ribera (1645-1650)
Technique:oil on canvas / Measures: 2.38 x 1.80 mts
The Argentine art paintings of the 20th century were placed in the upper floor of the museum, and among them the highlight is an artwork by Lucio Fontana, displayed in a small room with grey walls. The contrast works perfectly with the dominant pink shade of the artwork. This small sanctuary created by the curators proved to be a true magnet for visitors.
Concetto Spaziale, by Lucio Fontana (1962)
Technique:oil on canvas
The other artworks were distributed traditionally in a rectangular room. Each one of them is so particularly attractive that together they are a perfect example of Argentine art in the 20th Century.
Hipnotismo, by Alejandro Xul Solar (1923)
Technique: watercolor and graphite on paper and cardboard.
Autorretrato con hijos, by Annemarie Heinrich (1947)
Technique: Photography - Silver gelatin on paper
Sueño N°7, ¿Quién será?, by Grete Stern (1949)
Technique: photomontage on paper
Anónimos (7 pieces), by Victor Grippo (1998-2001)

Materials: cast, wood, level and glass
On opening night, at the Real Academia, Eduardo Costantini received the “A ” Award to Collectors, awarded by Fundación Arco.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

