The Intelligent Hand...
3:07 p.m.
08/25/16 - Tools and embroidered fabrics displayed under the protection of a window and artworks at hand-reach. What is artist Gabriel Baggio trying to tell us with his exhibition "La mano inteligente (The Intelligent Hand)" at the CCR? Could it be that those handmade embroideries, patiently done by common hands, are more important than the artworks of the artist?
Window with various objects
"La mano inteligente" - Gabriel Baggio
Painted paper, by Gabriel Baggio
"La mano inteligente"
Painted ceramic, by Gabriel Baggio
Technique: painted ceramic
Are these shovels, strainers, pots and hammers Duchamp-ian approaches by Baggio? Or are they sacred objects, because without them, many of our daily chores would be impossible? Maybe the artist just wants us to submerge into his inner world, that which results in his artworks.
"La mano inteligente" - Gabriel Baggio
Injertos de aproximación lateral, by Gabriel Baggio (2016)
Technique: tempera on paper
"The objects preserve the look of the time they were made, the experience that has shaped them", explains Baggio. The object was a tool and now, in his hands, it is reborn and transcends its function. It is no longer used for what it was created. It's been removed from its use and is given another life in which it creates new experiences for the visitors who look at it.
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