La Era Metabólica...

6:27 p.m.

In 1965, Federico Peralta Ramos (Buenos Aires, 1939-1992) built a gigantic sculpture of masonry and cast in the shape of an egg and called it "Nosotros afuera" (we, the outsiders). The Instituto Di Tella awarded him the first prize. During the ceremony, the egg began to collapse till the artist decided to break it with a hammer. That was how Peralta Ramos shifted from conceptual artist to performer.
"Nosotros afuera" is the anti-work and, although only he knew the meaning of that brief artwork, with it, and with his behaviour, he demonstrated the end of language, criticism and art labels.
Today the MALBA is presenting the exhibition "La era metabólica", with a reconstruction of the egg sculpture. However, it has a new meaning. According to curator Chus Martínez, it represents the origins of Internet because the egg contains all the information (genetic) needed for life. We are entering a new era and nothing better than an egg to represent the beginning of everything. According to Martínez, today's dualities will disappear: for example, man/woman, center/periphery, now/then. But she asks herself: Are we prepared?

Nosotros Afuera, by Federico Peralta Ramos
(original work destroyed)
Reconstruction after the original idea, built with iron, styrofoam, plaster and tarlatan.
Measures: 4.5 x 2.6 x 2.6 mts

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
