About Buenos Aires' Obelisk...

1:54 p.m.

Leandro Erlich (Buenos Aires, 1973)'s site-specific is a most interesting event. He took over Buenos Aires' Obelisk to "democratize" what it is perhaps the most iconic monument of the city. 
The installation is called "La democracia del símbolo" (the democratization of the symbol) and with it Erlich wants us to have the opportunity to visit the inside of the Obelisk and discover the wonderful view of its four windows, something that, since its opening in 1936, has been almost impossible. To this aim he reproduced, in real scale, the tip of the monument and placed it on the entrance terrace of the MALBA.
You are in for a big surprise when, once inside, you get to see the "real views" you would have, if you were right on top: the crossroads of the Avenues 9 de Julio and Corrientes, and all their movement. A magical experience you should not miss.
"La democracia del símbolo", by Leandro Erlich (2015)

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

