Women in art...

7:42 p.m.

Happy women's day! From here, we pay you a tribute with some of MNBA's artworks, remembering the artists and muses of yesterday, of today, of always...
An artist of the 19th Century...
La coiffure, by Berthe Marie Pauline Morisot (1894)
Technique: oil on canvas / Measures: 55 x 46 cm
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes - Buenos Aires
Related to Edouard Manet (he was her husband's brother), Berthe Morisot learned to capture an instant. Together with Mary Cassatt, they were the only women part of the Impressionist group.

A model of the 16th Century...
Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, by Leonardo da Vinci
(Known as Mona Lisa - c. 1503-06)
Technique: oil on wood / Measures: 77 x 53 cm
The most famous model of all, and the most mysterious. Infinite stories surround her image. Certainly the most visited woman in the History of Art.

A model of the 19th Century...
Vahine no te mite, by Paul Gauguin (1982)
Technique: oil on canvas / Measures: 92,5 x 74 cm
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes - Buenos Aires
A woman of Polynesia, so different to the European culture of the 19th Century, was the ideal model to an artist that could only feel happy when in touch with Nature.

An artist of the 20th Century that was her model...
Fulang-Chang y yo, by Frida Kahlo (1937)
Técnica: óleo / Medidas: 40 x 28 cm
Frida Kahlo was a woman dominated by her feelings. With devotion to self-portrait, she painted herself as a beautiful woman, as the mother she was not, as a suffering girl, cheated, ill, crippled.  

An artist of the 21st Century that also was her model...
Autorretrato de Nicola, by Nicola Costantino (2008)
Taking a leading role in most of her works, she pictured herself as a feminine and glamorous woman, a hard-worker, a mother. A representative of our women and our National history... This might be why we'll see her at Venice Biennale.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

