Exhibition in real time...

7:11 p.m.

02/26/19 - A few days ago we’ve been invited to take part of the shooting and developing of a photograph. The entire process was done by an artist while several situations occurred at the same time:
- First: a performance in which a visitor is placed in front of the lens to be portrayed by the artist and then sees the developing process in the dark room.
- Second: the objects used for the process (lenses, buckets, tripods, etc.) played a key role, which we barely notice when we see the finished photo on display.
- Third: we were not just spectators but active participants of the entire process: we were placed in front of the lens and then invited to see our image appear in the dark room.
- Forth: the role played by the artist, Vivian Galban, author and accomplice of this complex, interactive and social game of relational art, as defined by  Nicolás Bourriaud.
- Fifth: the installation or “the environment” (according to Joseph Beuys), which occupies the gallery had the doble function of framing the action and also providing a space for it to happen. 
- Sixth: the development of the aura (that knot that traps us when we are close to an artwork), even if it’s a photograph, almost rejecting Walter Benjamin
Exposición en tiempo real, by Vivian Galban (detail)
Installation, Galería Rolf
Exposición en tiempo real, by Vivian Galban (detail)
camera lens, Galería Rolf
The artist, working
Exposición en tiempo real, by Vivian Galban (detail)
Galería Rolf
"Exposición en tiempo real” is the title and, at the same time, the explanation for this game in which we are involved for a few moments.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

