Emerging Chilean artists...

10:28 a.m.

A group of five emerging artists from Chile is presenting their work at their Embassy. They use different techniques, from etching to installations, but also video and sculpture. And they also work on diverse subjects: nature and ecology, body and its contemporary representation, serial reproduction techniques and also the rise of a surreal collective imagination, by use of artistic and narrative elements.
Cinco intentos de compresión, by Domínica Ortiz (2014)
Materials: wood logs, paper, acrylic, thread
Malgama, Embajada de Chile, Bs. As.
Cabeza I,  by Juan Esteban Reyes (2014)
Technique: oil on canvas / Measures: 30 x 30 cm
Malgama, Embajada de Chile, Bs. As.
Sepia y Marfil, by Victoria Bravo (2014)
Materials: wire, panels, masking tape, paper, acrylic paint
Malgama, Embajada de Chile, Bs. As.
The main characteristic of the exhibition? Few artists, with opposite techniques and diverse narrations, mingle in a space abruptly interrupted by tall walls... However it all flows peacefully.
The MNBA has an example of 20th-Century-Chilean art: a painting by artist Nemesio Antúnez that can be associated to surrealism.
Grand Central, by Nemesio Antúnez (1968)          
Technique: oil on canvas / Measures: 102 x 128 cm

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

