Kinetic Art...

10:06 p.m.

Kinetic art gained world recognition with the exhibition Le Mouvement (The Movement, 1955), at the Denise René Gallery in Paris. Artists from different nationalities, who experimented with transformable works, real-time and virtual movement and light, marked the beginning of a trend of global influence which, immediately after, caught the interest of Argentine artists in Paris, such as Julio LeParc.
Nowadays, contemporary kinetic art is marked by the use of technology, first-hand participation of the public and the introduction of machinery to produce movement. 
Nunca te bañarás dos veces en el mismo río - Heráclito, by Eduardo Rodríguez (2013)
(No man steps in the same river twice - Heraclitus)
Materials: acrylic, acetate y movement / Measures: 54 x 54 x 200 cm
Nunca te bañarás dos veces en el mismo río - Heráclito, by Eduardo Rodríguez (2013)
(No man steps in the same river twice - Heraclitus)
Materials: acrylic, acetate y movement / Measures: 54 x 54 x 200 cm

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
