The magic of water...

1:19 p.m.

 Wingardium Leviosaenchantment used to lift objects and then move them at will. This spell defies gravity...
 from "Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone"


Violeta Maya presents, at the Galería Rodrigo Juarranz, in Madrid, a sculpture which houses, in its center, an aquatic structure with floating veils. According to Maya, this object attracts us, keeping us hieratic for a few minutes, like hypnotized, following the movements of the fabrics in the water. She hopes, also, for this object to become a source with healing capacity, a vehicle for meditation to those willing to surrender to it for a brief moment. 

The paused beauty of the aquatic movement (OX, III), by Violeta Maya (2020) 

Wingardium Leviosa, metal, methacrylate, water, fabric, Led / Measures: 44 x 44 cm

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
