
Flowers as symbols of peace and union...

7:06 p.m.

11/10/20 - Zhuang Hong Yi was born in China in 1962, but in the 90s he moved to the Netherlands, where he still lives. His style is unique and is based in the grouping of small paper cones in different colors and shades covering an entire surface. We see in the subtle and meticulous work his Chinese origins, but also the Western influence in the use of color and the spontaneity to blend both styles. The result looks like a garden packed with flowers that change their color as we move our heads from right to left. These variations are possible because the paper used reacts to the light. 
Zhuang Hong Yi
Opera Gallery, Miami
The artist chose this material that allows him to create the flowers because he believes they provide a simple vehicle to express positive feelings in this time of pain and global worry. 
Zhuang Hong Yi explains that, once on a plane, he saw the fields of tulips from above and was overwhelmed by their beauty and it was precisely that what he wanted to portray in his work, together with the movement caused by the wind and the color changes. 
Zhuang Hong Yi
Opera Gallery, Miami

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

