
Guido Casaretto at MOCAK...

6:04 p.m.

12/12/19 - Guido Casaretto (Turkey, 1981) presents at the Contemporary Art Museum of Kracow "The Ghosts of Matter", an exhibition in which the artist uses 3D Technology to recreate faces and elements of Nature.

Do Unpleasant People Share Similar Features? IV, by Guido Casaretto (2018)
Materials: graphite and resin
Michael-4/Roman Centurion Texture, David-3/Street Vendor 2 Textureby Guido Casaretto (2015)
Materials: graphite and resin
The first room displays a series of torsos that imitate human nature to perfection (virtual reality). The texts explain that representing reality with utmost detail through the use of technology has become the artist's main quest. The titles of the sculptures contain the profession of the subjects and their facial features and gestures seek to portray their personality. In other galleries we find replicas of natural elements, using the same 3D technology, proving that today we can imitate nature perfectly.  For these installations Casaretto made hundreds of experiments based in pieces of trees to achieve the perfect texture and appearance.
Stack Permuration I, by Guido Casaretto (2017)
Materials: pastel and white epoxy resin.
The exhibition ends with a group of modified furniture, which have lost their purpose, since all the openings have been removed. And even though, from afar, we think they are made of wood, as in everything in this exhibition, nothing is what it seems. Once more we are forced to investigate (What is it made of?) and, and yet again, we find ourselves with resin. 
Casaretto's sculptures are an example of the never-ending possibilities that arise when the richness of nature is blended with human creativity.  

6 Black Hole varations, by Guido Casaretto (2019)
Materials: resin, glass, wood chips.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

