
Introducing Cristóbal Cea...

12:00 a.m.

Hawker Haunted, by Cristóbal Cea
Animación 3D Full HD
60 Minutes – Loop 
26/09/19 - In August, during the Contemporary Art Fair of Córdoba (MAC), the Chilean gallery NAC presented a video of a flying plane with the cockpit covered.
The artwork belongs to Cristóbal Cea and it's not any plane: is a fighter-bomber plane used during the 1973 Military Coup in Chile. In the video (a photo-animation that can be seen here), the plane glides with the turbines off and a plastic bag covering the cockpit. We don't know its destination nor its geographic position, which renders it into a ghost plane.
As viewers, we stand in front of the images, revisiting the horrors of past and present wars.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

