Tracey Emin...

12:00 a.m.

01/04/19 - The gallery White Cube Bermondsey has a surface of 5000 sq meters. All the rooms are  currently dedicated to house the artworks of Tracey Emin (England, 1963) in "A Fortnight of Tears". The exhibition is deeply melancholic and, as art is autobiographical, specially with this artist that has, from the very beginning, shared all details of her private life, we might agree that sadness is everywhere. 
A few years ago her mother died and during those nights of sorrow, her art becomes a transforming experience. The exhibition displays paintings, sculptures, personal objects and a complete room of selfies taken during endless nights of insomnia. In each image Emin remembers her mother.
But the most interesting pieces are three enormous bronze sculptures in which we see the gesture of the artist on the material as she modeled the clay. Two of them lie in fetal position and a third is down on its knees. These colossal sculptures ("The Mother" measures more than 2 mas high) are seen for the first time. However all these works are far from the effect caused 20 years ago, when she presented her own unmade bed.

The Mother, by Tracey Emin
Material: bronze / Measures: 266 x 177 x 235 cm

I lay here for you, by Tracey Emin (2018)
Material: bronze / Measures: 147 x 638 x 285 cm
When I Sleep, by Tracey Emin (2018)
Material: bronze / Measures: 116.5 x 434 x 265 cm

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
