The burden of the head...

7:56 p.m.

22/04/19 - Irfan Önürmen (Turkey, 1958) displays at C24 Gallery, in Chelsea, New York, a series of works presenting dislocated men. Rejecting sculptural realism and with a very personal approach to the human being, Önürmen decomposes the material he uses like a neo-informatist.
Alien, by Irfan Önürmen (2019) 
Material: concrete / Measures: 250 x 92 x 118 cm

Irfan Önürmen - Exhibition Bust-Head, april 2019
Head, by Irfan Önürmen (2019)
Material: colored concrete / Measures: 102 cm
Walking 3, by Irfan Önürmen (2018)
Material: plaster / Measures: 51 x 16 x 17,5 cm
Bust head, by Irfan Önürmen (2018)
Material: colored concreto / Measures: 130 x 35 x 45 cm
These powerful distorted images are related with the artist’s personal vision on mankind today: the head is the center of power and thus can present different dimensions according to whom it belongs to.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
