Art as a game...

10:58 a.m.

22/03/19 - "Cerca de una certeza", the exhibition by Hernán Salvo currently on display at Galería Miranda Bosch, forces us to participate. And thus life becomes a game: we take turns to see inside a little hole, or to see each other through a cleavage.
Art-as-a-game, as Hans-Georg Gadamer predicted by the end of the 20th century, it’s a human necessity. That’s why, when presented with these amusing exhibitions, we let ourselves go and we participate freely, moving around the gallery. This movement fills the exhibition with vitality, in a constant coming and going, to no particular end. We just observe the artworks, looking for tiny details and becoming part of them. This participatio is “the game of art”, as defined by Gadamer, which transforms us as we come close to the art object. Hernán Salvo canceled the distance we are forced to keep in front of an artwork and, for a moment, we feel that everything is good in the world we live in.

Cerca de una certeza, by Hernán Salvo
Galería Miranda Bosch

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
