
Buren's columns...

11:46 a.m.

09/19/18 - The inner courtyard (Cour d'Honneur) of the Palais Royal exhibits since 1986 an installation (site-specific) by French artist Daniel Buren (France, 1938). It is known as Buren’s Columns, although its original name is “Les deux plateaux” (Las dos bandejas). It consists of a series of black and white columns that stretch all over the place. The visitors, to test their perception and in an act of exploration, climbs them in every possible way.
Many have suggested that they look like pills, others like the remaining ruins of a fallen Roman temple. Any interpretation is possible, as so often happens with contemporary artHowever, if we consider the creative history of the artist, we might agree that it's eccentric in relation to the architecture that surrounds it, monumental because of the space it occupies, geometric in its construction and sensitive in its perception.
Buren was able to transform the venue he was given, achieving not only a public attraction, but also an eclectic collage with the buildings around it. With this abstract piece he creates a contradiction between the forces at play in this outdoor space.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

