
The surreal grotto at the Prada Foundation...

7:35 p.m.

08/06/18 - One of the venues belonging to the Prada Foundation, in Milano, houses a permanent installation by photographer Thomas Demand. It's made of 30 tons of polystyrene that have been digitally carved to recreate a grotto with stalactite and stalagmite from the island of Mallorca. Thanks to it, we are able to experience what it feels like to be inside the cave.
Processo grottesco, by Thomas Demand (2006-2007)
The lighting of the room is set to match the experience. Only the proper temperature is missing to transport the visitor to the actual spot. The 3D construction is done with such perfection that the result is an exact imitation of nature.
 Processo grottesco, de Thomas Demand (2006-2007)
Thomas Demand creates these spaces to photograph them and then he destroys them. The digital image is his "true artwork". The Prada Foundation persuaded the artist to preserve this polystyrene stage and permanently exhibit it in this space in Milano.
Processo grottesco, de Thomas Demand (2006-2007)
The room that houses "Processo Grottesco" also presents a series of documents, postcards, tourist guides, catalogues and illustrations that were used to recreate the Spanish grotto.  The room is located in an underground floor, which enhances the experience of immersion. 
Processo grottesco, de Thomas Demand (2006-2007)
This is an unreal representation, inspired by a real place, that becomes a strange, almost surreal, experience.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

