
Papier-mâché sculptures...

11:02 a.m.

06/28/18 - Franz West used very different materiales throughout his career to relate life with art. For his new exhibition at the Gagosian Gallery in London, he based himself in what his artworks cause: impulses and strange behaviors in visitors. In the great window that the Gallery has in Mayfair one could only see three huge stones. They were, in fact, papier-mâché sculptures so real that’s impossible not to believe they are heavy and immense rocks. Each one is called Sisyphos, as the first King of Ephyra. According to the myth, he achieved his aims through lies and falsehood, which arose Zeus’ wrath. As punishment the God forced him to perpetually push a giant rock up a mountain and once on top, the rock had to roll down and be pushed back up again.
With his rocks, Franz West wants to bring to the spotlight the never-ending frustrations caused by creative processes.
Sisyphos VIII, by Franz West (2002)
Materials: papier-maché, acrylic, lacquer / Measures: 157 x 174.9 x 144.9 cm

Sisyphos IV, by Franz West (2002).
Materials: Papier-maché, lacquer and acrylic / Measures: 145 x 115 x 105 cm

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

