
Camarote Equivocado, by Sebastián Gordín...

1:28 p.m.

11/27/17 - In the great big white rectangle of Ruth Benzacar's gallery, Sebastián Gordín (Buenos Aires, 1969) displays the latest of his collection. At first sight we might say there's a little of everything: small figurines, sensorial artworks, sculptures, installations and the amazing fish tanks with their eternal rain. The montage is maze-like and in each corner we discover an artwork. In the very beginning, dyed plated woods catch our eyes with their never-ending lines that seem to be moving. One of them, Concheto spaziale, is a clear reference to someone that made space into another space: Lucio Fontana. Ahead we see some figurines in the shape of chess bishops placed in front of mirrors or stands with a painting. Then come Gordin's much awaited fish tanks, which are always enchanting to visitors. Finally, a little bronze sculpture. The exhibition is joined by a text by  Mariano Pensotti, entitled "Camarote Equivocado" ("wrong cabin"), which contain a series of mottos more related to life itself than to the mix-up of doors.
Leñoutopía cromática espacial 4, by Sebastián Gordín (2017)
Materials: dyed plated wood  / Measures: 99 x 106 cm
Leñoutopía cromática espacial 5, by Sebastián Gordín (2017)
Materials: dyed plated wood / Measures: 101 x 153 cm
Artista desconocido. Autorretrato sobre chapa de cobre pulida, by Sebastián Gordín (2017)
Materials: wood and copper / Measures: 35 x 40 x 40 cm
Artista desconocido. Autorretrato pintado sobre el reverso de una obra de Gordín que se presumía perdida, by Sebastián Gordín (2017)
Materials: wood and bronze / Measures: 33 x 30 x 30 cm

No more Mr Nice Guy, de Sebastián Gordín (2017)
Materiales: maderas en chapa teñida, vidrio, bronce, plexiglás, vaselina líquida, bomba de agua / Medidas: 78 x 100 x 60 cm

Se puede cambiar el nombre a pedido, by Sebastián Gordín (2017)
Materials: wood, glass, polyester resin, bronze, plexiglás, liquid vaseline, water bomb / Measures: 78 x 100 cm
Odesa, by Sebastián Gordín (2017)
Materials: bronze, plexiglas, wood / Measures: 31 x 50 x 40 cm

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

