
Documenta 14 in Kassel... (Part IV)

4:00 a.m.

08/17/17 - Antonio Vega Macotela (Mexico, 1980) created an installation for documenta 14 that can be seen at Karlsaue Park, just in front of the Orangery Palace, almost by the banks of the river Fulda. The artwork looks like a Kafkian machine which, manipulated by visitors, it produces coins.
Vega Macotela's aim is to remind us of the life of the colonized, because a similar mill was used in Bolivia by the local Indians to coin money. This is why the artwork is called "Mill of Blood". According to the artist it represents “the human effort as symbolic value", because Indians were forced to do an exhausting effort in the mines, with extreme temperatures, to produce something that only had symbolic value. 
Today, in Kassel, visitors turn the wheel to produce the coins with their own strength. The mill will generate 25 thousand coins during the 100 days of the exhibition and they will carry an image of the artwork. These coins will then enter the system of virtual money, called Bitcoin. 

Mill of blood, by Antonio Vega Macotela
Installation - Kassel 2017

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

