Tomás Sarraceno at the Moderno... How to capture the Universe in a spider web (Part II)

4:00 a.m.

04/13/17 - The second of Tomás Sarraceno's installations for the Museode Arte Moderno is exhibited in a completely dark room: The Cosmic Dust Spider Web Orchesta. A spotlight illuminates a structure from which one single spider (Nephila clavipes) balances on her web. As it moves around, the light unveils the particles of suspended dust and a huge screen projects them on the opposite wall. As the particles move and touch each other, they are caught on camera and their speed is transformed, thanks to complex algorithms, into sound. At the same time, the sound made by the collision of the particles (broadcasted through two dozen speakers) causes imperceptible vibrations in the spiderweb. This new sound is detected by a super-sensitive microphone which amplify it and blend it with the other sounds. The collision of the particles, the vibrations of the spiderweb and the movements of the spider produce the most interesting music.

The Cosmic Dust Spider Web Orchesta, by Tomás Sarraceno (2017)
Museo de Arte Moderno
According to the artist and his team, the dust in the room is Cosmic dust, since it is believed that our planet receives particles from the stratosphere. We might say that the exhibition moves from the smallness of the spider to the immensity of the Universe.
So, what happens when we visit the exhibition? As visitors enter the room, the cosmic dust collides, changing the music, which also changes the vibrations of the web. Thus, in one same place, human beings, the spider and the particles create together a unique concert with each visit. In this technologic era, Sarraceno is able to surprise us with the wonders of Nature and the single presence of a spider.  

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
