Introducing Björn Schülke...

12:53 p.m.

03/27/17 - Björn Schülke is a German artist, born in 1967, whose Utopian sculptures are the result of deep scientific investigations. Leonardo Da Vinci's complex machines and the Russian vanguards are his main references, as also science fiction movies. His kinetic artworks look like imaginary objects that makes us wonder about an uncertain future.

BS Spider Drone #3, by Björn Schülke (2013)
Materials: Wood, brass, Steel, mirrors, camera screen display, propeller, motors, paint, sensors, LED, custom electronics.

BS Drone#9, by Björn Schülke (2016)
Materials: fiberglass and epoxi, Wood, mirrors, aluminium, display, camera, electronics, sensors, video transmiter.
In his second solo exhibition at the Bitforms Gallery in New York, Schülke presented a series of works inspired by the very first sic-fi shows aired in German television in 1966. In an imaginary future with no nations, human and aliens are in war and the mothership Orion travels through the Universe in hyper speed. This Utopian idealism, full of references to the Cold War, when conquering Space was imperative, is what Schülke presents in "Vision Instruments".
General view - Bitforms Gallery New York
Beams of light, drones and machines with mirrors are some of the instruments used by the artist to describe his visions. Using materials more common in Industrial Design than in traditional sculpture, his works are precise scientific machines, although totally useless. All of them have anthropomorphic qualities and move as a reaction to what happens around them: the movements of their arms or extensions are completely unexpected.

BS Spider Drone #4, by Björn Schülke
Materials: brass, wood, carbón, fiber, cameras, TFT LCD, motors, motion sensors, custom circuit, paint.
Schülke's kinetic artworks are "activated" by the presence of the visitors who wish to interact with them. Each of our movements have an answer in the machines, as all other artworks in the 21st century: they are "completed" by the presence of the curious art lovers.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani
