
Rembrandt at the Jacquemart-André Museum in Paris...

5:00 a.m.

02/09/17 - Another city, another museum, another artist, another exhibition, same title. In the previous post we discovered Renoir's intimacy. Now, we'll see Rembrandt's. Casually, at the same time, two exhibitions work on the same concept to explain a new aspect of these artists. In Paris, the town house that used to belong to Nélie Jacquemart and Edouard André, today a public Museum, presented "Rembrandt Intime".
The key of this exhibition on the Dutch artist (1606-1669), is to see past his paintings with the help of today's technology. Thus, the tour begins with a video explaining an algorithm that was created to determinate the distance between the eyes and other features of the face which are constantly repeated throughout Rembrandt van Rijn's paintings. This pattern allows to truly identify the artist in the many artworks usually attributed to him. 

The exhibition itself is displayed along 8 rooms, in chronological order, where drawings and paintings blend to dazzle visitors. As part of his creative process (although Rembrandt preferred to work directly on the canvas), to capture the feeling of a particular moment, or to learn the technique of another artist, Rembrandt drew with one-of-a-kind virtuosity. At age 23 he dominated the technique and its ability to capture the psychology of his subjects. Three years later he was recognized by the Court as portrait-painter to Amsterdam's nobility. 
During those glorious years, Rembrandt developed at least four different ways to approach the portraits: official, commissioned, intimate and imaginary. As time went by, his strokes became looser, focusing on what was essential to him: the relationship between subject, color and light. As result, he created very true impressions of life.
Self-portrait, by Rembrandt van Rijn.
With 20 works and more than 30 sketches borrowed from different museums, including the three artworks belonging to the collection of the previous owners of the house, this exhibition focuses on Rembrandt's intimate creative process throughout the years. Once again, photography was not allowed inside.

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Liliana Wrobel

Production & Translation

Carla Mitrani

